
Friday, 20 December 2013

Who Remembers....?

Who remembers the old Spot The Ball competition in the newspaper then?  You do?  Brilliant!  Let's have a similar game called Spot The Squirrel.

We had a charity fundraiser at Gotelee Solicitors in Ipswich today where I work and it was a Christmas Jumper Day to raise funds for Suffolk Family Carers who need to find £500,000 to buy, equip and run a mobile unit so they can get to the more rural areas of the county to support family carers who can't get to them.  Through a variety of activities, we raised £260 today, with a promise of a top-up of £50 from the partners.

So here are a few of my colleagues, and me, sporting our festive knitwear

Now, let's see if you can Spot The Squirrel.

No clues, and I shall disqualify anyone who already knows me!

There will be a teensy prize for the first one to get it right (leave your comments below).

Answer will be revealed on Sunday.

Hugs, Squirrel xx


  1. Ooh, you all look gorgeous!!!!!!!!! Well done raising the money :) I can't play cos you told me what you were wearing. You look scrumptious. Hugs, Jayne xx

  2. You all look great. I have a choice of two but think you are the one in the short sleeved jumper, well either that or you have rolled up the sleeves, 6th from the right in the back row.

  3. I think you are wearing navy blue with reindeer in the back row!

  4. You all look fab. Well done for raising money for a good cause.


  5. Well done for raising so much money for a worthwhile cause. I think Marianne may already have guessed the correct answer?
    I hope you have a good weekend
    hugs Sue xx

  6. Ah, now I have a better mental image of Squirrel and The Great Mothgate Incident of Late Summer '13 LOL Love ya! -Beansie

  7. You all look smashing and congrats on raising so much money for such a good cause.
    I have never met you and only remember cetain comments you make on your blog, about frizzy tails so I'm guessing here, the lady in the back row with the blue jumper and glasses.

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  8. No idea Squirrel, so I closed my eyes and wiggled my cursor and it landed on the one with the blue penguin jumper at the front :o)
    Jackie xx

  9. Ok I think you are maybe's the on with the grey jumper, the 5th from the right, wont tell you why incase I'm wrong as I cant see it very clearly lol. Bet that has you thinking lol. Hubster agress with Marianne 6th from the right lol.

    I would just like to say well done on raising money for very good cause. I am a carer for my daughter as you know, so from a carers perspective yayyyyyyyyyyy to you all, I am clapping loudly here shug.

    Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

  10. Well done for raising the money sweetie. I wouldn't like to guess, I not even sure of the age bracket that you fall into so better keep my mouth shut. Lol!!!

    Christmas Blessings.


  11. Oooh thank you for your nice comments on my blog Squirrel. Now I am going to be completely wrong here lol but here goes. I think you are the blond bobbed lady on the extreme left at the front in a dark sweater. Have a lovely christmas. Also well done on your achievment of raising all that money. X

  12. i think you are kneeling at the front with the green penguin jumper on or the lady standing behind her with the grey jumper on??

    xx coops xx

  13. OH! COngratulations.

    As for You? well you must be the shrinking violet under the "G"

  14. Well I've never seen a photo of you, but for some reason I felt sure I'd just know which one was you... I've 'known' you for so long lol, but I haven't got a clue! Looking forward to finding out though :o) Hugs, Lisa x

  15. Hi Squirrel, me again. I just wanted to thank you for your beautiful card. I do love your superb CAS cards :o)
    Jackie xx


I know there is no LIKE button to click, so I truly appreciate you taking the time to leave me a message in actual proper words. Thanks sooo much. Hugs, Squirrel xx