
Friday 31 May 2013

Just For The Fun Of It

Morning all, hope this finds you well, or if you are poorly, I hope you are soon feeling much better.  Last day of May - how is that possible?!

As regular readers will know, Thursday is my only craft night of the week so when I got home (after a bus trip that was furnace hot) I whooped with joy to find my new Whimsy stamps on the doormat.  I opened them, I cooed over them, I stroked them (yep, I really did), and then I used something else!  Just call me contrary.

This is a CC Designs Sweet November Stamp called Patty - the link will take you to the right
place at Bunny Zoe's Crafts, one of my favourite stash buying stores
I have only used Patty once before but she is so full of joy that I could not resist getting her inky again
Painted with Distress Inks (ReInkers)
The double sentiment is from a Woodware set called Inspirational Verses
Peel-off stars I finally managed to get a re-stock of from Handy Hippo
Spotty papers from scraps box, matting layer is white card edged in Sunflower ProMarker
Image and sentiments both stamped in Memento Inks (Tuxedo Black and Bahama Blue)

Nine hours to the weekend - and counting!

Hugs, Squirrel xx

Thursday 30 May 2013

Lili's Little Fairies (DT) Purple & Yellow

Happy Thursday everyone, it's hard to believe we are still in the same week as the gorgeous weather we had over the Bank Holiday weekend here in the UK.  It has been dull and damp ever since!  So what better way to cheer you up than to announce a new challenge on Liliday!
This week we have a colour challenge for you at LILI'S LITTLE FAIRIES and it is PURPLE AND YELLOW!  You can put the blame firmly at my door for this one as it was one of my suggestions.  However, I suggest holding off throwing any bricks until you have seen what amazing work the DT have done with this fabbie colour combo.

Here is my humble effort:

This is Teddy Flower from LOTV and he is one of my most loved bear stamps
Painted with a light wash of Distress Inks (ReInkers)
And, back from the dawn of time, some Papermania papers
from the Colossal collections of yesteryear (will they ever run out?)
Butterfly and flower punches are EK Success
Gems from stash
A simple card from a simple Squirrel!!
Hope you are able to join us this week for this super challenge.
Hugs, Squirrel xx

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Bamboo You

After yesterday afternoon's disaster card, I thought I would share something more successful with you today.
I am totally in love with Bamboo, the adorable little panda from Crafters Companion.  My only gripe is that there are only six stamps available so I am really really hoping that some more are released, and soon!
Here is a birthday card that I made using Crafters Companion Bamboo's Favourites

OK, hands up, how many of you said awwwwh?
Painted in Distress Inks (ReInkers)
Papers are Nitwits/LOTV Bonnets & Bowties
Sentiment stamps are also LOTV
Grand Nestabilities Oval and Scalloped Oval dies
Whimsy corner dies
Hugs, Squirrel xx

Monday 27 May 2013

Feeding The Bin Monster

There are some you should, and some you shouldn't.  My view is this is one that I shouldn't and I do believe it may be destined to feeding that greedy critter that lives in my bin.  He gets his fair share of fodder so maybe he will see it as a light snack, seeing as how it is only a diddy card.

Image is a CC Designs Sugarplum
Part painted (badly) part paper pieced from scraps
Backing papers are all Basic Grey
The Happy and Birthday dies are Cheery Lynn
Design disaster entirely by me

Earlier post today Bella-issimo

Hugs, Squirrel xx


Hello folks, I have a couple of little elephant cards to share with you today - no challenges to enter, both are just because.

You will no doubt have seen lots of the new Wild Rose Studio summer collection being showcased by the very talented Kate over at Downrightcrafty and showcased in such an amazing way that I am adding Kate to my "bad influence" list!

This one is Bella with Dahlia
Painted with Distress Inks (ReInkers)
Sentiment is Personal Impressions
Matting layers from leftovers box

And this is Bella with Teddy
Again, painted with Distress Inks
That fabulous large sentiment is Hero Arts
Papers are an old Craftwork Cards pack Tutti Frutti
Martha Stewart border punch to finish

I am never really sure what colour an elephant should be - when you watch wildlife films they can be anything from red to almost black, but for the purposes of painting I have used the Weathered Wood Distress Ink, which is a lovely soft blue-grey.

Well, it is back to work for me tomorrow (sigh) so I hope those of you on holiday for this half term week have a super time.

Hugs, Squirrel xx

Sunday 26 May 2013

Stealing Buttons?

Afternoon all - how are you this bright and sunny Sunday?  Still a tad chilly first thing, it was shivery cold in Church this morning.  But the sun is doing its best to make today feel like Spring.

It's been a while since I joined in the HERE COMES THE BOYS challenge but I fancied a try at their Must Have Buttons theme this week.

I knew I wanted three white buttons for my card but do you think I could find three in my button box?  I had white ones but they were either square or flower shaped.  Not what I needed.  Ooh, there's a round one, oh, it's blue.  Blast.  At this point I am starting to think about stealing some buttons off Toad's work shirts but before it reached those depths, thankfully, I found three identical white buttons.  Hurrah.

Stamped image is LOTV Playing Golf
now you can see why I wanted round white buttons - golfballs!
Sentiment is also LOTV Vintage Labels Just To Say
Image painted in Distress Inks (ReInkers)
Papers are Little Sizzlets Earth Tones
Buttons are by Papermania

Hugs, Squirrel xx

Saturday 25 May 2013


Morning all.  I'm not feeling so chirpy today - can't explain it, just low - so I'll crack on with showing you my entry for this months Penny Black Saturday Challenge - which thankfully is Anything Goes.

I've used "Bubble Boy" which is by Mo Manning from Penny Black
Painted with Distress Inks (ReInkers)
Sentiment is Hero Arts
Swirly dp is from a pad of DCWV Christmas papers!

Thanks for popping over.  Have a super weekend.

Hugs, Squirrel xx

Friday 24 May 2013


Morning all!  It is absolutely tiddling down again - just got back from having a blood test done and now, apart from excavating the kitchen, I have the day to CRAFT!!!  What a marvellous start to a long weekend. I feel a teensy bit guilty for having the day off work as poor old Toad has had a rotten week and is exhausted.  It is really him who needs the break.

Anyhoo, before I go and get inky with design team stuff and finishing some orders, I thought I would share this little darlin' with you.

Ain't he just so purrfectly handsome?
This is Tulip Cat - my first ever Little Claire stamp, but probably not my last!
Painted with Distress Inks (ReInkers)
Papers are by Crafts Too
Sentiment is LOTV

We never had any tulips come up this year.  A few daffs and that was it.  My alium didn't show itself, the spring clematis went backwards, the jasmine had about four blooms, but dandelions - we have a lawn sprinkled with them but the green at the bottom of the road and all the verges are full of World Championship dandelions.  I wonder if they have a garden for those at the Chelsea Flower Show?  Toad has now planted some potatoes.  You can tell he is not much of a gardener as he just shoved them all in together - no early or late crop for us, it will just be whenever they come up!  But bless him, we bought some Blue Danube seed potatoes, we had some reds and some King Edwards that had shot, so we have a Red White & Blue potato bed.  I did try to tell him that the flowers won't be those colours .....

And in amongst all this wet and windy weather, our nice neighbours (hello Paula and Steve) are trying to get some maintenance work done on their house.  You would have thought that with it being the end of May you would be guaranteed some sunshine at least but no, we had hailstones and thunder and torrential rain again last night.  I hope their builder is able to get finished without too much distress for any of them.

Right then, best I crack on ...... have a monochrome project to tackle.  Whose idea was that then?

Hugs, Squirrel xx

PS. Edited to add - more Little Claire on the way ....... oops

Thursday 23 May 2013

Like A Bus .....

I mean wait ages and then get two at once!  No references please to the size of my behind, you naughty things.

Addicted To Stamps And More have an Anything Goes challenge this time around, which is perfect for what I made tonight.  

To be honest, I wasn't even sure this would make it to card stage when I started painting as I decided to use two of the most unruly colours possible - red and black - but with patience and a lot of muttering, I think it reached "acceptable" levels, and thus I set too with a craft knife and more mutterings.  Anyhoo, here is the end result:

Stamped image is part of an SCACD/Sylvia Zet image called "Loli's Dance"
Unfortunately she lost a couple of tiny curls in the cutting out process - sorry Sylvia
Painted in Distress Inks (ReInkers) (and yes, tonight they were distressing)
Papers are a mix of Penny Black and Basic Grey
That fabulous quote is a Penny Black stamp
Nestie classic circle die, scalloped circle die, and a Whimsy corner die

Hugs, Squirrel xx

PS.  Anyone else having issues with Blogger not posting when he should?

Lili's Little Fairies (DT) Spots AND Stripes

Well hello Thursday!  Two reasons to be cheerful today, one is that I have the day off work tomorrow so an extra long Bank Holiday weekend for me, and the other is, of course, it is Liliday!

We have a super challenge for you over at LILI'S LITTLE FAIRIES this week and our theme is Spots AND Stripes.

Now before anyone shouts at me for not using a Lili image for my card, I can 100% confirm that it is - in fact it is the very first Lili stamp I got, and I can show you the packaging as evidence should the need arise.

This is Moggi (needless to say he has long since been retired)
Sentiment is Hobby Arts I think
Painted in Distress Inks (ReInkers)
Sizzix Photo Corners die
And that's pretty much that!

Spots AND Stripes is always a fun challenge so I really look forward to seeing your makes, please remember that you must use a Lili image for your entry to be considered as a winning one

See you there!

Hugs, Squirrel xx

Wednesday 22 May 2013

It's Been A While

I don't have a card for you today (be back with one in the morning) but I thought I would share a couple of photos of Vince with you tonight.  I was looking through files of photos on the pc at the weekend and found these "model shots" that Toad took a while back.

I know he is my baby and therefore I cannot be impartial, but I still think he is such a handsome boy!

See you tomorrow, hugs
Squirrel xx

Tuesday 21 May 2013

A Bad Influence

Many years ago, my then best friend's mother told my mother that my friend wasn't coming to my birthday day-out as she considered that I was a bad influence.  I was 12 years old!
I have no idea how that idea formed in her mind.  I was a normal child, bit of a tomboy maybe, but not a bad kid.
It's strange what we consider to be a bad influence.  Many of my blogging pals are a bad influence, they lead me astray on a regular basis.  OK, there are times when I am easily influenced, it is such a simple job to lead me into temptation.  One of the worst and most frequent offenders for getting me to spend my pocket money is my dear pal Lisa (Wishcraft) who has caused me to buy more dies recently than I care to think about.
This simple little card uses one of those new purchases ......

Stamped image is one of the Whimsy/Wee Flower Fairies
Painted in Distress Inks (ReInkers)
Papers are Dovecraft Back To Basics
And that gorgeous Small Biow Die is from Lil Inkers - love it
Sentiment from Issue 2 of Get Stamping magazine
Brad from stash
It's our AGM at work today - I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am about that prospect.  Not!
Hugs, Squirrel

Sunday 19 May 2013

It Takes Two

It does indeed take two when you need to lift a very big cake for a very big birthday - that somewhat nutty but adorable crafting friend of mine, Jayne (Tea Cake & Crafting) celebrated a significant one this week and this was the card I sent her.  Not sure if I need to issue one of those "contains flashing lights" warnings ......

Stamped image is LOTV It Takes Two
Painted in Distress Inks (ReInkers)
Sentiments are from the LOTV Scroll Sentiments set
Papers are Papermania Spots & Stripes and
Forever In Time Perfect Prints - Celebrate

I will leave you to get over the shock now, and head off for a Sunday afternoon craft
while Toad is puttering about with his new batch of home brew

Hugs, Sxx

Saturday 18 May 2013

Out For A Mouse?

I had an idea fixed in my furry little brain this morning about a particular stamp I wanted to use.  Now, my craft space is a little cramped and, in reality, is far too small for the amount of "stuff" that is in it.  So when I started looking for this particular stamp, little did I know that it would involve so much moving of things around to get to the box that it was in.  Do you remember those little games you used to get as a kid, a square frame with eight (or fifteen, depending on the size of the game) tiles and one gap, and you had to shuffle the tiles around within the space to make the picture eventually?  Yeah, it was a bit like that, and of course the stamp was in the box at the bottom of the pile of boxes right at the back of the cupboard .......and now, having found the stamp and made the card I think I might be disqualified from the challenge I made it for, because of a mouse.

Stamped image is WhipperSnapper - Dog Cat & Mouse
Painted in Distress Inks (ReInkers)
Sentiment is Hero Arts
Matting layer is First Edition Blank Canvas

Hugs, Squirrel xx

Thursday 16 May 2013

Lili's Little Fairies (DT) Thank You

It's Liliday!

It's LILI'S LITTLE FAIRIES CHALLENGE and our theme this week is THANK YOU!

Stamped image - LOTV Armful of Daisies
Nitwits papers
Image painted in Distress Inks (ReInkers)
Memory Box Flourish Die
LOTV Scroll Sentiment

Ta-dah, done!

Hugs, Squirrel xx

Sunday 12 May 2013

Guess what, yes, it's CAS again

Well it's not my fault there are some lovely CAS challenges out there just begging to be entered!  TOTALLY PAPERCRAFTS FRIDAY CHALLENGE are looking for CAS entries this week so ......

I have used one of the Whimsy/Wee Flower Fairies, designed by Sylvia Zet - how adorable is she?  
Her partner is just as delightful so watch out for her another time.
Painted with Distress Inks (ReInkers)
Sentiment by Hero Arts
Matting layer is white card edged with a ProMarker

Having sat down to watch the Spanish F1 race (and slept through just a teensy bit of it) I think I might have time for another play before getting the dinner on.

Hugs, Squirrel xx

Saturday 11 May 2013

A Lick Of Paint

Afternoon all, hope you are having super weekends!  Now then, you know me and my CAS cards, and I cannot resist a CAS challenge so when I saw this was the theme for SWEET STAMPING CHALLENGE this morning I was straight out to the studio to get inky.

I have used LOTV A Lick Of Paint
Painted with Distress Inks (ReInkers)
Sentiment is Woodware stamped in Memento Ink
Matting layer is from leftovers box
I decided rather than cut the card down on the right hand side, I would leave the image
panel off-centre, and I quite like how it looks

Hugs, Squirrel xx

Thursday 9 May 2013

Back With A Lili

Me again, well I couldn't let Liliday go past without a Lili card could I?  My stamps from the LOTV boys release arrived yesterday and tonight was my first chance to play with one of them.

This is Man's Best Friend which I have painted with Distress Inks (ReInkers).  I wanted to steer away from the darker vintage colours that the LOTV Team used for the sneak peeks so he has got a new pair of denim overalls and matching cap.

I've teamed him up with Nitwits/LOTV Country Gent papers and used a Die-Namics fence die, and a Martha Stewart border punch to finish.

You are probably fed up with seeing these little lads everywhere over the past week or so, so I can only apologise as there are more to come from my direction!

Hugs, Squirrel xx

Lili's Little Fairies - Anything But A Card

Morning all!  Nothing Lili from me today but if you pop over to the LILI'S LITTLE FAIRIES CHALLENGE you will find the new challenge of Anything But A Card.  Treat yourself with a look at what Team B have done with the theme - gorgeous creations for your delight and inspiration!

See you soon.
Hugs Squirrel xx

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Sketcharific Cupcakes!

Morning all - well it is back to work for me today after a lovely Bank Holiday weekend, except for the headache and next-door building a shed for three days solid!  Only three weeks to the next one, whoopeeee.

Anyhoo, it's not often that I get a chance to join in the Cupcake Craft Challenge because it is usually over and gone before I remember.  But I was there at the go-get yesterday and made this using Liza's fabulous sketch.  This one is a keeper and will be using it again!

LOTV Looking Glass stamp
Painted in Distress Inks (ReInkers)
Downloaded Nitwits papers - Eskimo Escapade
Memory Box flourish die and a hole punch

Hugs, Squirrel xx

Monday 6 May 2013

Without Words (DT) May

It is the 6th of May - a week in already, crumbs, but it means two things, the most important is that it is payday for me (whoop whoop) and that second is a new challenge at WITHOUT WORDS!

Last month we had Little April Showers continuing that tradition, this month we have Brings Forth May Flowers.  Yes, we would like to see florals - on your image or papers, NOT as embellishments.  

For a CAS challenge, we are seeing far too many of those sneaky embellies creeping in, leave 'em alone!

This is Flowers From Bamboo by Crafters Companion
Yes, I know he is meant to be a panda, but I think he looks sweet as a normal bear
Painted in Distress Inks (ReInkers)
Sentiment is Hero Arts
Paper is First Edition
Gold borders from stash

Our sponsor this month is the lovely Elaine from QUIXOTIC PAPERIE with a £10 store voucher, yummy!

Looking forward to seeing your flowery entries - just remember to keep it CAS with a handcoloured image please.

Hugs, Squirrel xx

Sunday 5 May 2013

Over The Threshold

Afternoon all.  Thanks for your get well wishes, I feel 80% better today - that headache was still going last night and I woke up feeling like I had a hangover.  Had a very quiet morning, but feeling more like my old self this afternoon, although a little spaced out.

I spotted the CRAFT Challenge of A Stitch In Time just after I finished making this simple little wedding card.  Destiny?  I doubt it, but no harm in trying!

See, told you I wasn't right - another wonky photo, rofl - it's becoming a trademark
Stamped image is LOTV Over The Threshold
Painted with Distress Inks (ReInkers)
Sentiment is from the LOTV Clear Set - Vintage Labels Just To Say
Sat and pierced holes all the way round with my pokey tool and a ruler
Stitches are done in Antique Linen Distress Marker to match the Groom's suit
Matting layer from scraps box

There are two weddings coming up at work soon - this was the simplest one to do.  The other might take a bit more planning (given the theme of the wedding - gulp - but can't give too much away now).

Thanks for popping over, I truly appreciate each and every visit.  Sorry that I am soooo behind in catching up with what you are up to.

It's a new Without Words challenge tomorrow so hope you will pop back to see what the team are up to.

Hugs, Squirrel xx

Saturday 4 May 2013

Create A Scene

I woke up this morning with the evilest evil headache on Evil Day - it's still there but subsided a tad.  And in my infinite wisdom I thought crafting might help!

Sweet Stamping Challenge are asking us to Create A Scene ..... here is my halfhearted attempt:

Stamped images are my one and only Tiddly Inks stamp Bloom Beautifully
and a Magnolia background stamp
Painted in Distress Inks (ReInkers)
Sentiment is Hobby Arts
Papers are Papermania and Dovecraft
Gold borders from stash

Hugs, Squirrel xx

Friday 3 May 2013

School's Out For The Summer

Well, maybe not yet, but it won't be long now til the echoes of "I'm bored" will be heard in streets all over the UK.  Yes, the summer holidays are looming.  It might seem a long time for the kids, but before you know it, we will be in September and the new school year starts - and for many, that will mean a change of school, including my pal's little lad who will be setting off for high school (honestly, he doesn't look big enough).

LOTV Ideas To Inspire Blog have launched their own monthly challenge and in anticipation of the new boys stamp release this weekend, the challenge theme is Boy Oh Boy.

So I made this for my pal's little lad, and for the challenge:

I am discovering that despite the new Samsung phone being all singing-all dancing, I can still get better photos with my old Nokia!  This card is square, not with wibbly edges - that's the barrelling effect of the lens on the camera!

Stamped image is LOTV Back To School
Painted in Distress Inks (ReInkers)
Brickwork papers are Joy Crafts Paper Bloc
Pencil stamp from a Hero Arts set, Phone and Watch stamps from a Stamps Away set
Graffiti is all Squirrel in Distress Markers

Hugs, Squirrel xx

Thursday 2 May 2013

Lili's Little Fairies (DT) Lace

Morning all - Happy Liliday!  A quick post from me as I should have started work already, I'm all behind again - and you can stop sniggering!!

LILI'S LITTLE FAIRIES challenge this week is asking you to use LACE on your LOTV creation - pop over to the challenge blog for more details and to oggle the wonderful DT cards.  This is what I made:

As you can see, I have chosen to go with faux lace for mine - me and fabrics do not mix well!
Stamped Image is LOTV Flower Arranging
Painted in Distress Inks (ReInkers)
Papers are from the Nitwits/LOTV Country Lady paper pad
Sentiment from the LOTV Scroll Sentiments set
Martha Stewart heart corners punch
And I am pretty sure the Faux Lace die is Die-Namics (but happy to be corrected)
Gold borders from stash

Must mention that there is a lovely prize of two STAMPOSAURUS clear stamps this week
(can I enter?)

And today I have made that magic 600 Followers - wheeeeeee, thank you everyone!
Hugs, Squirrel xx