
Sunday 12 February 2012

Inspired by Delphine

Morning all.  More snow overnight.  Thankfully it wasn't much but on top of what we already had, and with freezing rain forecast, it makes for a chilly sort of day!

We had a busy day yesterday which meant that I did not get the chance to play.  It must be the first Saturday in about 18 months that I've not made a card!  So here is one I made in the week.

Ingredients for this card
Stamped Image  CC Designs
Medium  Tim Holtz Distress Inks (ReInkers)
Papers  Papermania Spring Burst
Sentiments  Personal Impressions

It was the lovely Delphine who inspired me to make this one.  She does the most totally amazing work with CCD stamps and her Copics.  Sadly, this is no where near her standard!  If you don't know her talent yet, do pop over and say hello.

Hugs Sxx


  1. Fab card hun, love the papers and fabulous colours .... groovy! Hugs, Claire x

  2. Lovely Delphine inspired card, hun. You did a really great job.
    hugs Dorte

  3. Superb card hun, love the colours and papers, love it. xxx

  4. Hello my lovely furry friend! Thank you so much, I am really honoured to see you find me inspiring:-)! And what a shock to see my name in the title of your post...
    I totally love your card:-) I am clearly not the most unbiased here, but I adore your image and colours, and the layout is perfect! I hope you are well, I still have not recovered from the screensaver shock... I need to know more... BIG hugs Delphine xx

  5. so stunning hun.your papers and colouring are fabulous and i love the gorgeous sweet image ;D

    xx coops xx

  6. I really like this, AND your colouring again

  7. fab card sugar - got these papers tucked away, not used them in so long - really do love the vibrant colours xxx


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