
Wednesday, 19 January 2011

January Candy (CLOSED)

As it's been such a grey old start to the year so far, I thought I'd cheer things up by offering a little candy.

Some of my regulars may remember me rambling on about how I had managed to lose a stamp and ended up (after turning the house upside down) buying a replacement.  Well, guess what?!  Yes, two months later, the original has turned up!  How typical.

So the candy on offer is Whiff Of Joy's Ice Skating Henry - packet has been opened but Henry is still brand new and never used.
If you want to see what he can look like when he is coloured up, here's the card I made before Christmas using his replacement

Okay, here's the rules:
1.  Please leave a comment to this post
2.  Spread the word on your blog
3.  Email entries are fine if you don't have your own blog
4.  You don't have to be a follower but it would be nice if you were
5.  I insist that the winner emails me a picture of whatever you make with the stamp!

Closing date:  31st January (midnight GMT) - Winner will be posted a couple of days later so keep your eyes peeled.

Hugs, Sxx


  1. Hi Squirrel!
    Lovely card you have made with Henry. I have it myself, otherwise I would pop in for a chance to win it!
    Have a great day.
    hugs Dorte

  2. hI hun, just wanted to say what a super sweet card that is.. and someone is going to be lucky to win this henry.. i would join in but have this sweetie already.. good luck to all who enter.xx

  3. hiya sweetie
    thank you so much for a chance to win this cute stamp of henry
    your card is amazing, perfect coloring to hunni
    i'm already a follower by you, i would love to show you a card if i win, LOL
    i've linked it on my sidebar sweetie
    hugs angelique

  4. it's always the way! Just like you find some random little cap-looking thing, can't figure out what it is so you chuck it... then 3 hours later with the bin topped up with leftover kiddy dinners... bingo! You find what it was from! Yes - a very regular occurance in my house lol! Thanks for the chance to win him, added to my sidebar, have a great day ♥

  5. Hi Squirrel,
    I thought thas squirrels always found back what they have hidden away? :-).
    I like the stamp and I like to win, so that I can show you my card I made with it.

  6. Thanks for the chance to win this gorgeous stamp. Henry is a real sweetheart. :) Love the colours and the colouring on the card you made. Hugs, Hanna

  7. Thanks for the chance to win this lovely stamp... I'm already a follower and your candy is now linked in my sidebar. And of course if I win I'll show you what I do with the stamp, it's the minimum of a "thank you"!

  8. Hi Squirrel, love your Henry card and think the stamp is very cute!
    I don't really "need" any new stamps but who could resist that cute face? ;-)
    Love, Alex

  9. I love henry stamp as he is such a cutie. I would love to win as I don't have one. Already a follower and put candy on my sidebar.

    Kathleen x

  10. Hi sweetie I dont want my name entering hun cus I have this little cutie already I just wanted to say I love your fabulous card & I will stick your candy in my side bar for you hun.

    Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

  11. oh how cute is this stamp!!!
    I'd love to have it, thanks for the chance. I'm already a follower since while :)

  12. oh wow thanks huni i would love him he would be my first henry stamp so my fingers are crossed your so kind xx

  13. Hi Squirrel
    lovely candy. You know I follow the Squirrel!.Will advertise you on my blog
    hugs Sarah x

  14. Ohhhh he's so lovely I just LOVEEEEEEEEE Henry!
    Done all of the requirements too! some already done for like since you started blogging! theheheee!! have a happy rest of January! and be back soon hugs Samantha :0)

  15. Fab card! Blue and red isn't a colour combo I would have thought worked, but it looks great together.

    Thanks for the chance to win this cute stamp, Squirrel. He's on my sidebar.

  16. Oh! It's so lovely! Here's my link:

  17. Hi! Great candy! Thank you for the chance to win! On my blog:
    Kisses ^_^

  18. OH thank you hunny! Henry is so cute, and your card is gorgeous... Does the winner get a Henry image coloured with Distress Inks from you too like the one on your card? LOL! Will add your candy to my sidebar tonight:-)! Hugs Delphine xx

  19. What a cute card. Thanks for the chance to win this cute image.

  20. oooooo thankyou squirrel :D for the chance to win this woj image.i love woj,my weakness :D
    your card is stunning and i love your fanatstic coluring :D
    off to link you up.

    xx coops xx

  21. LOL, so glad that happens to other people, too! You know how I feel about your coloring skills, superb! It's sweet of you to share your extra Henry, he'd love a trip across the pond!

  22. Oh this is such a cute little stamp, I could make loads of christmas projects with this. Thanks for the chance to take part. Have a great day.

  23. Hi.
    What a cute image this little mouse. I already have loads of ideas.
    Thank you so much for giving me the chance to win this candy.
    Hugs, Manuela

  24. Hey hun this is so cute!!! Love the fun colours and funky dp
    love tasha xx

  25. OH wow, gorgeous card honey! I will advertise right now!!

  26. I have done that before lol...I love Henry Mouse and thanks for the chance to win him S
    Mina xxx

  27. Thanks for the chance to win Henry Mouse! I'm sorry you misplaced him, but happy for us.
    I'm already a follower, and I've linked you to my sidebar.

  28. hi squirrel,adorable card and stamp so would love to be entered in your draw,already a follower so off to add you to my sidebar,x

  29. Hi Squirrel, too funny...I'm sure it happens to a lot of us too! I'm glad the original stamp decided to show up. :) Of course, your work is gorgeous.

  30. Great stamp! I'm already following and there's a link in my sidebar . Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

  31. Hi Hun! Fancy Henry hiding from you for 2 whole months!!! Great news for 1 lucky person tho ;)

    Thanks for offering him hun, someone will be very pleased :)

    Carol x

  32. Hiya already a follower and often pop by. Thanks for the chance. Jeanette

  33. Hi Squirrel
    Thanks for the chance to win some fabulous candy
    Hugs Dianne xx :)

  34. Oh Squirrel I would love to win this stamp. I have one image that I received from a lovely blogger and have been saving it for 'someone special'. I think it is about time I coloured it up now. Debs xx

  35. This is a wonderful stamp. Thanks for the chance. I hope to get lucky. Link posted on yuokovoy left pane date

  36. Very beautiful colouring - nice card with the mouse on)))
    I'm a follower!
    Great giveaway! I linked it on sidebar
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    Hugs. Larisa. xxx

  37. Ah Squirrel he's so cute and why not have a bit of blackmail to get us organised by having us make a start on our christmas cards, as most of us probably need all the help we can get, well I certainly do. In the process of loading to my side bar as I type.

  38. Ohh this stamp is adorable :) thank you for the chance to win! I'm a follower and I linked the candy on my sidebar.
    Hazel Q.

  39. I have become a PROUD follower and posted it on my blog. I would love to win this stamp and would be happy to send you a pic of whatever I created with it.

  40. C'est adorable de ta part d'offrire ce jolie tampons et je viens de parcourir ton blog et j'adore tes créations elles sont magnifique bravo

  41. come resistere adoro questo timbro... ;-)
    sei su
    incrocio le dita e spero
    saluti dall'italia rosa.kreattiva
    sono già una tua followers
    blog creativo

  42. Hi Squirrel. It is just so typical that you loose something, search high & low without success, & then find it in some odd place - too late! Thanks for offering the original fab stamp as candy & I would love to join in with a chance to win it.
    Tine :)

  43. Hey Squirrel. Such an adorable image! I love that little mouse and would love to have a chance to win him. Such a treat!

  44. Hello Squirrel! I'm new to your blog and a new follower. :)

    I've posted about your candy here:

    Henry is far too cute!! Eeek!!

  45. Hi Squirrel, thanks for the chance to win this cute little image. I am glad it is not just me that double's up on account of losing things hahaha, as for your poor blog template, it happened to me about 1 month ago, its a real pain. I hope you get it sorted out quickly and with as little pain as possible (if that is in fact possible). All the best to you. P.S. Love the card you made with the image its very, very cute!! :-)

  46. Where is my comment???

    Hi Squirrel.. I try... I love this stamp!
    thanks for the chance

    ps. thanks for the prize for the ABc Blog Hop.. I'll put a post these days... bye

  47. Hi Squirrel.
    Love the winter card you made with Henry. I love these stamps but didn't get the chance to put my hands on him yet.
    Thank you so much for offering the spare one that you have.
    I am already a follower, added your link to my sidebar and will definitely send you a card made with Henry if I win.
    Have a lovely weekend,
    Happy crafting,
    Laetitia xx

  48. Fine card!
    Very beautiful stamp!
    I participate in draw:)

  49. lovely card, love the stamp thank you for the chance to win hugs ginny

  50. What a cute card you made! I love the paper you used for the background. And of course the image is just too cute!

  51. Good day, I do not have the blog but it is a pleasure to participate to yours blog candy, still compliments!
    Kisses Kisses
    Antonia P. Italy

  52. Hi Squirrel from Squirrel!

    I just spotted this, and that stamp is already on my wish-list so I can't resist entering your candy ;-) I'm already a follower, and will let my followers know about it.

    Your card is super cute!

    Have a great week,
    Squirrel from Oz

  53. ow- This Henry is realy cute! As far as I like Ice-scating I would love to get him-and show you what kind o project I`ll make wth him!

    Best wishes ILo

  54. What a hide-and-seek game with your Ice Skating Henry?! I guess your Henry is too 'hungry' and sneaked out to 'find' foods! But re-appear when he knows you gotten a replacement (must be jealous)! LOL. Anyway, thanks a chance to adopt him!

    Evelyn @ Message Keeper

  55. So gorgeous, definitely count me in! ... :0)

    Shirl x

  56. I love the henry series!! So cute!! Thanks so much for the chance to win. I am a new follower of your blog but I can't wait to check it out more!!

  57. Hi Squirrel! I just love visiting your blog and getting some inspiration. And now... what fun candy! I love Henry and would be so tickled to win this Christmas stamp!! Thanks so much!!!

  58. Shoot, I just saw the date my comment posted!!! hahaha! I forgot it's already Feb. 1. Alas... I have missed a chance at little Henry. {snapping fingers!}


I know there is no LIKE button to click, so I truly appreciate you taking the time to leave me a message in actual proper words. Thanks sooo much. Hugs, Squirrel xx