
Sunday, 2 May 2010

Meant to show you this.....

There are limits to "make yourself at home" .....

Little devil moved in to my comfy chair just after lunch yesterday and I had to prise him out of there in time for Over The Rainbow last night.


  1. So sweet! But I shouldn't say that...!

  2. Oh doesn't he look just adorable!! They are little monkeys aren't they! Bozzy has his blanket on the sofa but he sometimes gets pulled along to another bit so Jon can sit there!
    xx :0)

  3. Oh Squirrel you wicked woman!!! oh Vincent is looking sooooo adorable. Big hugs from Clare, Bert & Simone xxx

  4. Such charm cannot be offended!)

  5. Oh, but he looks sooooo comfy! I used to have one that would wait till I sat down then PLOP, there she was. She was almost impossible to shift, don't know how a little tiny kitty could suddenly weigh 50 lbs and take up space equal to 4 times her size!

  6. lol cats are so funny.mine loves to hop in my chair and then spreads himself out.i love cats they have so much character.luv coops.xx

  7. lOl Thats something mine would do. My buster used to be straight in the warm patch when you got up..infact most of the time he would nudge you out the way lol

  8. awwwwwwwwwwwwwww bless him! he looks sooooo cumfy! thehehee :0)


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