
Monday, 26 April 2010

Quick Update and Continued Apologies

Hi all - so many of you have been kind enough to enquire how the wrists are coming along so, if you will forgive me, I'll cover it all here in one go rather than individual replies.

No real improvement I'm sorry to say.  I have today booked a follow up appointment with my GP but the earliest I can get to see him is next Tuesday evening.  The anti-inflammatories seem to be doing diddly-squat to help.   The only relief I am getting is from the wrist support the pharmacist suggested.

Work hasn't been overly sympathetic but they have at last offered me a consultation with the Occupational Health doctor that the firm uses.  Hopefully he will be able to come up with some recommendation other than "win the lottery and quit your job".

So, once more I apologise for the lack of visits and comments.  You have all been so wonderfully supportive in your continued visits and comments and I really do appreciate it.  Once I'm properly better you won't be able to keep me off your blogs!!

Thanks guys
Hugs, Squirrel xx


  1. Aww Squirrel, you just look after yourself ... and get better soon.
    Cathy xx

  2. Oh it must be so frustrating for you hun. You shouldn't have to wait so long to see a doctor either, seems ridiculous. I hope you find something that helps soon, big hugs. Lisa x

  3. Oh Squirrel
    I do hope things improve for you. But, so glad you are being careful. Take care
    Love sarah XXX

  4. you don't have to be sorry just make sure you get better 1st then blogging can come later take care of yourself huni xx

  5. aw squirrel, i am so sorry there is no improvement in your wrists yet but i do hope the docs can sort you out soon.take care hun.luv coops.xx

  6. I really hope things get better for you soon, Squirrel! And you have nothing to apologise for, we all understand and want you to rest so that you can feel better faster! Big hugs Delphine xx

  7. That's because we love ya Squirrel girl!!! so sorry you aren't getting any relief darl. It is so not fun. I have total sympathy on the work front too, they do not really give a stuff do they. Lets hope your Dr can suggest something or give you a referral & find something which will help. Don't apologise, we understand. Big huggles Clare xxx

  8. I do hope things improve soon, take care.
    Tracy x

  9. Hope you get better soon. Take care and plenty of rest. Kathleen x

  10. What a pity the treatment isn't working Squirrel. Must be really frustrating for you. You just take care and try to rest and I'm sure we all understand and just want you to get better.

    Kat xx

  11. Just concentrate on getting yourself right Squirrel, that the most important thing for you at the moment :o)
    Jackie xx

  12. So sorry to hear things haven't improved. I do hope you get some relief soon hun. Cathy xxxx

  13. I'm really sorry to read that the paws aren't feeling any better, Squirrel. Hopefully the Dr's can come up with some other approach. In the meantime, just take it easy and rest them as much as possible. Will be thinking of you,

  14. Take care hun.... big huggles Rachxxx

  15. Hi Squirrel
    Thank you soooo much for your sweet comments ESPECIALLY when you are supposed to be resting your wrists!It means A LOT!!!!!
    Take care
    Love Sarah XXX

  16. Hello Squirrel! Thx for visiting my blog. I am very sorry to hear about your poor wrists - I wish you a speedy recovery!

  17. Hi, hope you are a bit better, just rest for now, don't worry about anything else xx

  18. sorry to hear you are having trouble! hopefully you are back to yourself real soon! hugs

  19. I'm so sorry to hear about your wrist problem, I do hope it will get better soon! Really look forward to seeing more of your creative work. Take care!

  20. wishing you a speedy recovery from all of this it must be downright awful for you..sending hugs janet

  21. G'day
    Sure hope the Occupational Health Doctor will be able to give you some much needed relief and reassurance that your wrists will get better. Hope Mr Toad and Vince are looking after my favourite Squirrel.
    Cynthia ~^..^~

  22. a very frustrating time, no bother about your followers we are here for you and each other.

  23. Sorry to hear it has not improved!! Pray it gets better soon!! Take care of you!!

  24. Oh, Squirrel! I'm so sorry to hear that your wrist is not improving. How frustrating (and painful!) for you!! I hope you will heal soon, and don't worry about the blogging...your wrist is more important.
    *get-well wishes*

  25. Hunny bun you be good you have a wedding to go to in July! and you HAVE to be well for that! tehehee!! take care speak again soon! hugs Sis x x

  26. i hope you feel better soon, take it easy en rest as much as possible, hugs angelique

  27. Hope your wrists get better!

  28. Hi Squirrel,

    you don't have to apologize, your health comes first...I hope you'll be better soon because I can completely understand how frustrating this all must be.

    See you soon and a big hug,

    Lins x

  29. Hi, so sorry to hear your wrists haven't improved. Just keep resting them as much as you can.


I know there is no LIKE button to click, so I truly appreciate you taking the time to leave me a message in actual proper words. Thanks sooo much. Hugs, Squirrel xx