
Saturday, 13 March 2010

A little award for YOU - yes, you!

During my first year of blogging I have received many kind words of support from some very talented bloggers out there - this is just my teensy way of saying thank you

I have found so much inspiration from so many of you  that I cannot
name just a few, it would be unfair as everyone has their strengths
(as a very wise friend recently reminded me)
So, with that in mind, I would be so pleased if you would accept
this award with my love and gratitude
Squirrel xx


  1. Thank you!
    I´m new here, and this award is encouraging for me =)

  2. Thanks hunny just came from the PBFC so thanks for telling me to come grab it! and your an inspiration too! just remember that! if it was not for you! hmmmmm! now let me think! I would not have a draw full of PB stamps!! tehehehee!
    your inspiring but also a naughty influence! tehheheee but I love ya and am proud to call you a blog buddy and true friend too! :)

  3. Awwww...aren't you a little sweetie! :0)
    You're an inspiration to me too hun!
    Am feeling all 'warm & fuzzy' now! lol
    Helen x

  4. Hi Squirrel,

    thanx for all your sweet comments and your cards really inspiring for me too!

    Big hug,

    Lins x

  5. Awwww thanks hunny, you are such a sweetheart. I'm not the only one that finds your creations inspiring, so I hope you'll believe me now lol
    love n hugs Mandy xx

  6. Thanks, Squirrel. I guess it's a mutual admiration society!

  7. Hi Squirrel. Oh how sweet of you. Love to read your comments not just on my blog but others that you visit too.
    Love Sarah XXX


I know there is no LIKE button to click, so I truly appreciate you taking the time to leave me a message in actual proper words. Thanks sooo much. Hugs, Squirrel xx