
Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Dentist - Quick Update

Thanks to all of you who sent very kind wishes during the absess incident a couple of weeks ago.

Went to the dentist on Monday.

Extraction - scheduled for 23 January.

Under sedation (sedation?  Just shoot me)


Yours, shaking in her boots
Squirrel xx


  1. OH dear. Whats worse the extraction of a tooth or the extraction of £325 from your bank!!!!
    Have you thought about joining Denplan? Not sure but it might be a cheaper option.
    Hope you are okay and trying top keep warm
    Love sarah W XXX

  2. Hi Squirrel,
    I have gas and air as i'm a bag of nerves, is that what they are using for your sedation? If so it does really help, my whole body goes into a silly shaking spasm when i get in the chair but the gas and air calms me right down and helps. And an Extraction is over with in a matter of minutes. Please don't worry about it over Christmas as it really seems worse than what it is. I'm classed as a phobic at the dentist and it took ten years for me to return to one and everything I've had done since seems worse and when they've done it I feel daft as it was no where near as bad as I thought.
    I hope all goes well and you can still have a good Christmas.
    Happy crafting and a merry christmas
    Tracy x

  3. hiya hun, cor blimey, how much????that is a lot of money to pay out for a tooth thats going to be gone sure you will be fine, sending lots of calming vibes your way.have a great christmas.luv coops.xx

  4. eek that's a lot of money!
    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas Squirrel

  5. Oh sweetie, poor you - I know you will be fine hun so try not to worry about it. It is a lot of money but it will be well spent when it is all over and you have no more problems

  6. oh no thats shocking...two pains at once too...hope you get it sorted
    Mina xxx

  7. Try not to worry too much love, I am the world's worst when it comes to dentists, I even shake at a check-up! But I always find it is not half as bad as I thought it was going to be and come thinking 'what was I making all the fuss about'. They will look after you sweetie and just think, your pocket may hurt afterwards but your tooth won't! xxxx


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