
Friday, 25 September 2009

No Card This Morning But A Bit Of A Moan

Morning all and TGI Friday!
I will post yesterday's little project when I get home this afternoon after I've taken some photos of it but in the meantime, I want a little grumble -

I popped into The Range on the way home yesterday (and before my craft-stash-diet-overseers start, it was an ESSENTIAL) to get some more Bristol Board. Since I discovered ProMarkers I am going through the Board like it is going out of fashion - the lady on the till gave me a funny look too (I bought 4 A5 pads as they don't have that size in stock regularly).

Anyhoo, while I was in there I had a wander round (but didn't buy) the pretty papers and in particular the Christmas section. And here is the grumble - why is it impossible for manufacturers to print a true red or green Christmas paper? Don't get me wrong, the papers they had were really nice, but the reds and greens where either really pale and washed out or so very dark they were nearly black. What happened to traditional Christmas colours? Am I being an old stick-in-the-mud or does anyone else find this as well?

OK, moan over. Please do pop back letter to see Bunny's Been Framed!

Squirrel xx


  1. Good morning oh bushy tailed one!!
    You are right to moan I wish more people would have a really good shout about it! reason being I was having this same moan to several of our Reps at the shop! WHy no true christmas red and green! and all they could say was its up to the pickers and designers!! surely some one somewhere must realise these traditional colours are going to die out along with ½ of our rare animals!! DOH!! soooooo annoying! sorry! rant over!! ARRRRGH! and its only 9am! te hheee:0) ok so to end on a positive.... your blogs looking great and well done for being restrained on your craft buy! well done! :0)

  2. I totally agree, you are right to moan. I find that the reds are more pink which is just no good if you want to do 'traditional' Christmas cards. I think we need to get a peititon up to the designers and bombard them with emails 'bring back tradititional red and green'!!! xxxxx


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